Restaurant Free Seat

Real-time Seat Availability

The software is able to detect and report the number of available seats in the restaurant in real-time, so customers can see if there is space for them to dine.

Easy Booking

Allows customers to book a table quickly and easily, either through the restaurant’s website or a mobile app.

Improves Customer Experience

Improves the overall customer experience by reducing wait times and providing more accurate information about seat availability.

Analytics and Insights

Provides restaurant owners with valuable insights into their business, such as the busiest times of day, the most popular menu items, and customer demographics.

Integration with Other Systems

Integrates with other systems used by the restaurant, such as the point of sale (POS) system, to provide a seamless experience for both customers and staff.

Mobile Compatibility

Accessible through a mobile app, so customers can easily check seat availability and make reservations on-the-go.

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Do you have Questions?

Restaurant free seat frequently asked questions

Please read questions below and if you can not find your answer, please send us your question, we will answer you as soon as possible.

Frequently asked questions

Does the software require any special hardware or software to be installed in the restaurant?

The software can be installed on existing hardware and software, and it is designed to work with the most common systems used by restaurants.

How does the software detect seat availability?

The software uses computer vision to analyze real-time footage of the restaurant to determine the number of available seats.

Can the software be customized to meet the specific needs of the restaurant?

Yes, the software can be customized to meet the specific needs of the restaurant, including the design of the booking interface, the analytics displayed, and the types of notifications sent.

Does the software work in different lighting conditions?

Yes, the software is designed to work in a variety of lighting conditions, and it uses advanced algorithms to compensate for changes in lighting levels.

How is the software updated and maintained?

The software is updated regularly to ensure that it continues to work correctly, and it is maintained by a team of experienced engineers who are available to provide support as needed.

How does the software improve the customer experience?

The software provides real-time information about seat availability, reducing wait times and improving the overall customer experience.

What kind of insights does the software provide?

The software provides valuable insights into the restaurant’s business, such as the busiest times of day, the most popular menu items, and customer demographics.

Can the software integrate with other systems used by the restaurant?

Yes, the software can be integrated with other systems used by the restaurant, such as the point of sale (POS) system, to provide a seamless experience for both customers and staff.